Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Grace - Food for the Soul

 1 Peter 1:22-2:3

As we taste the grace of God, as we experience the undeserved favor and love and kindness and goodness of God, as we begin to truly see the radical grace of God, we can put away the “crappy" things of this world - deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander (and the list goes on). We can put away our brokenness and start to move. The grace, goodness and love of God empowers us to begin (imperfectly) loving others with a pure heart - a heart filled with Jesus.  It allows us to see our broken natures through the lens of forgiveness and eternal salvation so much so that we can reach out to others, not from a critical or self-righteous position, but from a position of compassion and love knowing ours is an imperishable faith. 

Grace and Peace!

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