Monday, November 23, 2020


1 Peter 1:13-25


My Takeaway:


Gotta be honest, this is a passage I struggle with; I struggle with a command to be holy and obedient. It’s different now, I used to struggle with these commands with a rebellious attitude, but now it is from knowing I will never be perfectly holy or obedient (or even near perfect, or even half way perfect…oh you get the picture and even if I could somehow rise to this level I would probably be self-righteous about it).  So I prayed that God’s amazing grace and mercy would shine through during this passage.  I will also admit that while studying this passage, I was amazed to see the grace shining through and was somehow encouraged as I set my hope fully on the grace that will brought to me at the revelation of Jesus Christ!


Going forward, as I try to be an obedient child of God, I can no longer claim ignorance as an excuse - but here is another point where I got a little encouraged - while I can no longer claim ignorance, I can claim Christ and his finished work, I can trust in the amazing grace and tender mercies of God. In fact, it is the only thing that truly offers hope to me.  So, I will strive to be holy (set apart for God), I will strive to be noticeable different knowing the price that was paid on my behalf, knowing all that Jesus had to endure for me (because of me). 


And knowing that precious sacrifice, knowing that love for me a sinner, I will remain thankful for the beautiful truths of God, I will keep trying to love others with a pure heart - especially those different, those that are not easy for me to love and I will do it because Jesus loved me when I was not easy to love, I will keep trying not in any effort to earn, but because I have been born again.  I will be thankful that no matter the trial, no matter the problems I invent, no matter the mistakes of my heart that I can turn to the living and abiding word of God, the word of the Lord that remains forever, that speaks of love, forgiveness and mercy, that is more than good advice, that is good news!


Grace and Peace!

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