Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Free Fallin


I’ve been working through 1 Peter, but our Pastor is taking an Advent excursion through Genesis and I am going to follow along. He is calling the series ‘Questions First’ and looks at questions God asks; specifically questions God asks of Adam, Cain, Hagar and Sara.

The first passage is Genesis 3:6-13 and I must admit I read beyond verse 13.  As I was reading, a song came on (did I mention that our Pastor has this gift of using music, song titles, or lyrics in what seems like every sermon?), it was Tom Petty’s ‘Free Fallin’ and some of the lyrics just hit me. 

And all the bad boys are standing in the shadows

And the good girls are home with broken hearts

And I'm free, free fallin'

Yeah I'm free, free fallin'

So I read the passage over and over, used some resources and it lead to a big idea, a key takeaway from the passage, something that will stick with me for a while.

Big Idea:

Even though we are ‘free fallin’, broken, bad boys (Adams and Eves), God graciously pursues us in our brokenness. Even though we hide our brokenness and our shame, God graciously and gracefully confronts (Where are you? Who told you?). Even though there are consequences for our brokenness, God graciously restores. And through it all God does not forsake us or leave us, he loves us and provides for us still…

 We all can fall for the pretty shiny things of this world, the things we think might fulfill our every desire, when nothing can bring us true fulfillment, nothing except for Jesus. And the good, even better news is that Jesus is there for us – always, no matter what!

Grace and Peace!

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