Thursday, December 31, 2020


For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

With 2020 about to hit the rear view mirror, I must admit this has been a year of reflection and introspection for me.  At times such guilt and shame only to find, see and experience the overwhelming grace and presence of Jesus.  During this last month I have really been drawn to this famous passage in Isaiah and specifically the “For to us a child is born.”

The incarnation is such a...well I don’t really have the words,  but certainly a miracle. B.B. Warfield once said, “The Glory of the incarnation is that it presents to our adoring gaze, a true God-man; one on whose almighty arms we can rest and to whose human sympathy we can appeal.”

Oh, how I love that quote (as you can probably tell by the number of times I’ve used it) and somehow there was even a little more for me this year. I’ve come to realize this incarnation, God coming down from heaven, coming as a God-man to seek and save became even more remarkable. It seems to me the incarnation is the hinge pin for so me it proves the steadfast love of God, it proves that our God pursues us no matter our circumstances, it proves just how amazing grace really is, and for me it is the very basis for our hope and love and joy.

So as we head into 2021, I pray we do it filled with hope and love and joy, I pray we all become a little kinder to one another, I pray we might lend a hand to others and finally I pray we come to know and trust and experience Christ in many new and exciting ways...

Grace and Peace!

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