Monday, December 12, 2016

Advent Prayer

Father God, 

In Galatians we read; But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. 

Oh Father, how wonderful, how amazing, how astounding that you would love us so much that you would send your only son to redeem us, to save us, to reconcile each of us to you. That by the finished and complete work of Christ we can have a loving relationship with you, a relationship with the creator of all things, with Almighty God Himself; a relationship so intimate and close that we can call you Abba Father. 

What a gift you have given; by your love and amazing grace, no matter our backgrounds, no matter our shortcomings and failures, no matter the baggage we carry, we are no longer slaves to our circumstances, but now we are your children, we are heirs for all eternity. 

What good news; news so good that we are filled with Joy; that we are overflowing with Joy. News so good that we are filled with your steadfast love; a love that is so stunning...Abba Father, we live in a time where the world needs a little love; help us share your love with the world, help us share your love with our community, help us share your love with our next door neighbors. 

So Father, as we approach Christmas, let us do so with joy and love, let us rejoice and sing praises, thankful that Christ was born; our true hope, full of love and grace and truth and Father, as we approach Christmas let us do so with the expectant hope of things to come. 

Abba Father, we love you and pray in the most beautiful name of Jesus Christ...Amen! 

Grace and Peace!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Be Loved

Just this morning I started on a 10-day prayer journey. The journey is part of Scotty Smith’s book; Every Season Prayers. On this journey we will pray through John 17 the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. As I started there was this reminder; “any prayer Jesus offers on our behalf will be answered affirmatively." And we are also encouraged to capture our thoughts as we travel on this journey. 

Day 1 – has me meditating on John 17:4-6 

I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.  And now Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.  I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world.  Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word.

We were asked to consider this from the perspective of the accomplished, complete and finished work of Christ on our behalf. Scotty Smith provides some excellent thoughts and commentary on this and reminds me (us)... 

“Let us cease from our strivings and doubts, beloved.” That struck me; beloved means a much-loved person, precious, adored, cherished, prized – Wow (me?). And this also reminded me that I must cease striving, cease doubting and let myself be loved. 

There are also some thoughts and questions designed to help guide my prayer this morning...

“As I consider your finished work on my behalf, I am...” my thoughts: amazed, astonished, surprised, in awe, so very happy, so very thankful. 

There are many other thought provoking and probing statements; statements that just move me deeply, but the days journey ends with the question: "Father, why do I remain allergic to your grace?"

Oh this caused me to spin. Thoughts come crashing in – that in our culture we are taught, we are conditioned to believe you only get what you earn in this world, that we must pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, that we get what we pay for and my final thought was that there is nothing in this world that is free. 

As I dwelled on these statements, as I was asking to hear from God on this, as I meditated in silence the tears started to well up and it occurred to me (God speaking???) that how easily I forget when I am in my self centered mode rather than being Christ centered, how easily I forget that my salvation was not free; that Jesus paid it all. He gave his all so this prodigal son could run into the arms of my Good, Good Father much-loved, precious, adored, cherished, prized; as a beloved child of God. 

Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit – thank you and I love you too! 

Grace and Peace!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Soul Refreshing Prayer

Father God, in the 23rd Psalm we read. The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. 

Father, in this short Psalm we see your promises, your provision, your sovereignty. We see that no matter what may be going in the worldly valleys of life we have the promise of your very presence, your comfort, your love and grace and mercy and as if it could get any better we will dwell with you for all eternity. 

Father, we come confessing that in this world so busy, so full of distractions, so full of noise that we sometimes forget, we sometimes take for granted your amazing grace. Father forgive us and help us to take heart as the good news is that by the finished work of Christ we are forgiven, we are restored, our very souls are refreshed. 

How amazing you are that we can come to you as broken and messed up as we are, that we can come knowing and experiencing your grace, that we can come knowing and experiencing your love and as such we are truly free; free to offer grace and love to others. 

Father, you are truly wonderful beyond words and as such we thank you, we turn our adoration and worship to you, our Father in heaven, this day we celebrate our very relationship with you. 

Abba Father, we love you and pray these many things in the most beautiful name of Jesus...Amen!

Monday, October 24, 2016

One Nation?

I don’t know about you, but this season in history has left me stunned, confused, frustrated....dare I say near tears. I am torn by the divided nature of this country and it occurs to me there is a hardening that has taken place which prevents us from seeing any good or all that we have in common. We are blind to paths forward unless it is our path.  I am sick of advice, tired of biased journalism, astonished at the so-called experts of this age. I am so exhausted by the politics and culture of “I’m right and your stupid.” 

Not sure if you have heard, but we have an election coming up; an election to the highest office in the land and if you are following this election, it only highlights the divided nature of this nation. The debates left me shaking my head and wondering/praying/crying out about this choice or lack thereof. 

There are plenty of places to look for guidance...evangelicals; theologians, media, social media, your neighbors, there are polls and surveys and the list and opinions go on. 

So you might ask what is a person (like me) to do? Well it took the birth of my first grandchild for me to see a little more clearly. It took me holding that child in my arms (yes, with tears in my eyes) realizing how much I loved this little man. It took me seeing a choice – I could become frozen with doubt, worry and frustration about the mess or I could love...I could love God, my family, my friends and neighbors with all my heart, soul and mind. The choice is so clear. 

And as a Christian, I can do one more thing I can trust. Yes, I still plan to vote and honestly I still don’t have clarity on that vote...I have heard all I really want to hear and now I plan to my heart, search the Word of God, I plan to make up my mind on my knees praying to my ever-loving, ever- faithful God. I plan ask God; “what would you have me do?” 

And then I will trust! Brennan Manning wrote an incredible book titled “Ruthless Trust” and in it he says; “Ruthless Trust is an unerring sense, way down deep, that beneath the surface agitation, boredom, and insecurity of life, it’s gonna be all right. Ill winds may blow...character defects may surface...but a stubborn, irrefutable certainty persists that God is with us and loves us in our struggle...” 

Psalm 22:28 reminds us that “kingship belongs to the LORD, and he rules over all nations.” Job (Job 42:2) says to God; “I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” Jeremiah 17:7 tells us; “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. 

I don’t know about you but my trust is the LORD. Trust; my friends trust. 

Grace and Peace!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Even though things have slowed way down for me (a good thing) and I find myself happier and way less stressed, there are times. This morning I found myself heading out on a great journey to the fitness center and as I was driving along in morning traffic someone in front of me decided to turn without using a turn signal. 

Now I had plenty of space to slow down so there was no real issue, but I could feel the rage coming on because this person interfered with my smooth and expert driving skills. My “Peaceful Easy Feeling” (our Pastor uses numerous musical references so it must be contagious) was gone and it had been replaced by “Highway to Hell”. 

As my temper was about to exceed the boiling point, something grabbed my attention. It was the clear blue Florida sky and the beautiful sun climbing mid morning. Something whispered to me do you really want to be that angry? Something else came to mind – What if Jesus got that angry with me every time I made a mistake. Do I really want to be overcome by anger? Or do I want to be overcome with joy and happiness realizing all Christ has done; all Christ has secured for me. 

As joy began to clear my “Angry Eyes” I was able to begin to pray. I think I will use a part of that prayer for a while as part of my morning prayer or a devotional or simply a reminder of how to approach my day... 

Abba Father, 

Help me this day to be of good spirit knowing the Holy Spirit is with me; 
Help me to overflow with joy amazed by all Christ has done for me;
And help me to love because you first loved me... 

Amen and Amen. 

Grace and Peace!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Going Viral

So I will confess, I am not huge into social media – in fact I feel it is like the old commercial – social media is the next best thing to being there. I am sure there are many positive things about social media and I must admit that I do have a Twitter account. 

I find this to be a good way to journal, share thoughts and ideas all within 140 characters – short is good. Anyway, there are statistics and it is so tempting to get drawn into a mode of saying something – I mean tweeting something and then sitting back and watching to see just how popular that becomes. So for me it could be very easy to begin thinking a lot of my abilities and my popularity; to become proud of my tweet-worthiness...

There is this term; going viral. Urban Dictionary (which I do not necessarily recommend without caution) defines going viral as when “an idea, concept, product, video or other cultural meme exponentially increases in popularity.” 

I suppose in the sphere of social media this is the mark of success. At the risk of causing much laughter, my best tweets typically get between 40 and 50 views; so yes I do keep track. Recently, however I crafted a tweet and my truly artistic efforts went viral; over 500 views. I must also admit that I started feeling pretty good about my abilities as a master tweeter. As I started to think I had truly arrived in the realm of social media, something started tugging at me. 

Here is my tweet:


Ps 100:5 
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. 


So you see, all I did was send out a Verse from the Bible. And then it hit me, it wasn’t me, it is not my wisdom, it was not my twitter expertise. It was the Word of God...and I knew at that very moment God was teaching me a lesson in humility. It wasn’t a harsh lesson; it was filled with grace, which impacted me even more; just a gentle and loving reminder. 

Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 

Grace and Peace!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

But Stephen

But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 

My Church is in the middle of a summer reading plan and today we read Acts 7. A chapter so rich, so full, so emotional. Theologian William Neil says it is a “subtle and skillful proclamation of the Gospel.” 

I must admit that even though I have read this chapter on more than one occasion, I was emotionally impacted this morning. I was just particularly struck by the last passage; verses 54-60. I was taken aback by the anger and fury (can’t we see that even today), I was so moved by the faith of Stephen, I was amazed at the grace and the seeds of grace planted that day (Saul), and I was just emotionally crushed (in a good way) to see Jesus standing at the right hand of God (not sitting)...and for the first time I began to wonder why was he Standing? 

Some say that Jesus was led into the presence of God to receive authority and power (Daniel 7:13-14), some say he stood to welcome Stephen the first martyr, some say he stood as Stephen’s heavenly advocate. F. F. Bruce says; “Stephen has been confessing Christ before men, and now he sees Christ confessing his servant before God.” 

Since we are not clearly told the reason, I am sure it is a transcending, surpassing blend of all of this and even more...but what was laid on my heart this morning, what brought a tear to my eye was to know that Jesus was there in the midst of this suffering. Even though God’s will had to be done Jesus was with Stephen, He loved, He cared, and what came to my mind was a couple of verses from John 11. Verses 35 and 36: Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him!” 

I honestly don’t know if this is theologically correct, but it was clearly placed on my heart this morning. That no matter the circumstance, no matter the trial, no matter the suffering, that Jesus is there with us, that His amazing love is there for us and out of that love, when we suffer He stands up for us; dare I say He weeps...For me it was: Oh my, see how He loves us. 

Jesus, I love you too! 

Grace and Peace!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Paths Forward

Father God, 

I come before you brokenhearted and troubled by the recent tragedies...a young boy tragically killed in an accident right here in our community, young men tragically killed in Louisiana and Minnesota and law enforcement officers tragically killed in Dallas. 

Oh Father, I come confused, I come sad, I come broken. I come not even knowing exactly what or how to pray, but I come crying out from my heart. I pray for understanding and wisdom to prevail, I pray for Gospel transformation and change in us all, I pray for ideas, solutions and paths forward. I pray for action rather than the divided inaction of our day, I pray for the ability as a nation to discuss these tragedies in a way that does not divide, but moves forward, I pray for the impacted families and communities, for your comfort and healing and peace. I pray that we as a church will mourn with those mourning and weep with those weeping. I pray for revival and for this nation to collectively turn to you. I pray that we all remember that we are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Mostly I pray for love because without love we are nothing. 

I pray as you tell us in Romans; that our love would be sincere, that we would hate what is evil, that we would cling to what is good. That we would be devoted to one another in love and that we would honor others above ourselves, that we would never be lacking in zeal, but that we would always keep our spiritual passions, that we would serve the Lord. That we would be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer...that we would share with those in need and practice hospitality. That we would bless those that persecute us, that we would rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn, that we would live in harmony with one another, that we would not be proud and that we would be willing to associate with all kinds of people and never be conceited. 

And in addition to all this, I pray that this you help us see and know and feel your grace and love and tender mercies; to feel your very presence with us. Help us know and trust and rest in you, help us to know that our all powerful God is upon his throne and will make all things new, help us to truly rejoice, help us to be forever thankful for the one true hope that is Christ and help us as a people, as believers to always sing praises to our almighty, loving, tender, merciful, and sovereign God. 

Abba Father, we love you and pray these many things in the most beautiful and loving name of Jesus Christ – Amen and Amen!

Grace and Peace!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thoughts on Prayer

Our Pastor has been preaching a series on prayer. It is something I must admit I struggle with from time to time. I feel like I don’t know what to pray or how to pray. I worry that my words are all wrong, at times I might not even have words. However, I do know just how important prayer is...many times it is the only thing that helps, that soothes, that satisfies. I did a little research and found several “sound bites” about prayer that have been helpful. 

One of the most helpful and I can’t find the author so I apologize for not citing it properly, but one person wrote they begin their prayers with;

“Father, I love you too.” 

That just helps to center me – acknowledging to the Creator of the universe, to the Great I Am, to the Almighty that we love Him, because he first loved us. 

John Bunyan was an English writer and Baptist preacher best remembered as the author of the Pilgrim's Progress once said; 

“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words with out a heart.” 

That is so helpful for me; for those times when I struggle for words, to know that crying out from the heart no matter the words, no matter the issue is ok. It is our way of being in a relationship with our good, good Father in Heaven. 

There is a small book that I once read called The Practice of the Presence of God which is a collection of conversations with Brother Lawrence; a monk that entered into a life of service and devotion to God and spent the majority of his life working in the kitchen. Brother Lawrence once said of prayer; 

“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God.” 

That is my hope (and prayer) for us all; that we might enter into a sweet and delightful life of continual conversation with God. 

Grace and Peace!

Thursday, May 26, 2016


I retired last week after almost 32 years with one company. When you get to that point, after 32 years of doing something day after day you can find yourself at a major crossroad and it can be a very emotional time. You get a bunch of questions like what are you going to do now and aren’t you afraid you will get bored? You know the typical encouraging comments...but in reality this crossroad can lead you to questions, it can point to uncertainty, it can leave you a little concerned, maybe even a little afraid. I think life is filled with crossroads and while this in the scheme of things is not huge it still can be consuming. 

There is a passage in Philippians that helps me, it just sets me straight, it reminds and encourages. For me it provides the answer to uncertainty as we face those crossroads of life. Maybe some of you are at a crossroad now or will be at some point, maybe you will not be sure if you should do this or that, to go this way or that way, but to me you can take heart and be encouraged. 

Philippians 3:12-24 

Not that I have already obtained all this or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to wing the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. 

This passage speaks volumes and says so much. However, it is not telling us to forget the experiences of the past, but it does tell us to forget the attainments so that we can see that there is so much more to strive for; so much more to attain. It is telling us not to rest in the accomplishments of the past, but to recognize the exciting things that lie ahead; things like a deepening knowledge of and relationship with Christ, a life of sharing the Good News with a world so desperate for some good news; a life filled with grace and love.

James Hastings said that the perfect man of this passage “is the man that can see the vast stretches before him to be traversed, the man that knows there are shining heights yet to climb, that there are glories unspeakable ahead.” 

Everyone, no matter your on in Christ on to shining heights only possible through on to the glories unspeakable that lie ahead! 

Grace and Peace!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our Everything

Father God, 

In Psalm 18 David reminds us in one verse that you are our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, our refuge, our shield, our salvation, and our stronghold. Father, we come before you this morning amazed and filled with praise; thanking you for being our everything. 

 Father, we also come this day humbly to confess our shortcomings, our failures, our sin, our rebellion against you asking for your forgiveness. And even as we confess we can in the same breath thank you that by the finished work of Jesus Christ we are forgiven, we are made new. 

Again in Psalm 18 David tells us that you reached down from on high and took hold of us, you drew us out of deep waters, you rescued us. And Father, as if that is not enough, you rescued us because you delight in us. How wonderful you are and how thankful we are. 

Father, as we realize and recognize the many blessing we have because of who you are, because of your love, because you are our everything we pray that our hearts might overflow with our love for you, that our lives would be spirit filled, and pleasing to you. 

Oh Father, keep open our hearts and minds. Let us continually hear of your great love and your amazing grace. 

Abba Father, we love you and pray in the most beautiful name of Jesus Christ... Amen!

Grace and Peace!