Tuesday, January 29, 2013


You know things in life have a tendency to distract us; to keep us from focusing. These things can be shiny new objects; electronics, hobbies, work, business and the list can go on and on. 

I am reading Andy Stanley’s book “Deep and Wide” and in this book he talks about providential relationship and the importance of community to our spiritual growth and maturity. He talks about how while we can’t always control these relationships, that we can make room for these relationships and give them priority. 

In a sense we are talking about true community. I am part of several groups and as such I have found it easy to skip meetings and as you skip one it becomes easier to miss another and another. 

I recently was thinking about this and came upon Hebrews 10:24-­‐25 

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another... 

I did find this illuminating as the passage encourages us to engage with one another; to spur or stimulate or provoke or stir each other in an encouraging way so that we will continue to meet together. So that we will truly become part of each others lives; growing and maturing spiritually, caring for and loving one another. 

May we all consider (truly think and pray about) how we might continue to meet together to focus on those things that are truly important. May we all experience community as it is intended.

Grace and Peace!

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