Friday, February 8, 2013

An Excellent Wife

Proverbs 31:10 

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. 

I can’t believe we are already in the second month of 2013. It has been a trying year so far, but what I can tell you is that through it all I have seen such a picture of self sacrifice, a picture of caring, a picture of undeserved and unconditional love. It is clear to me that my wife is truly a gift. 

I will not go into detail, but I have found myself down; physically and mentally, and each time I find myself down there is someone there to pick me up, to encourage me, to care and there are not words that can express how much that has meant to me.

As things happen I try to ask what is God teaching me and it seems clear to me he is showing me the picture of steadfast love, the picture of sacrificing for others. It has been an amazing blessing. 

I could and should go on, but someone I know would not like I will end with my feeble expression of thanks. Love you honey! 

Father, thanks so much for the gift of family, the gift of love and the gift of my wife! 

Grace and Peace!

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