Saturday, July 5, 2014


In John 10:9 Jesus tells us; “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.” I have been thinking about this for a while and particularly hanging on the word gate. 

In our world gates have many uses; they provide access to an area, they separate one place from another, they can protect, they provide the entrance or the way into. I believe that only begins to touch on what Jesus means. 

One thing we should all be able to agree on is that there will be something different on the other side of the gate. I remember having a job where we sold and installed fencing and gates. Our customers were mostly families and there were many reasons they wanted fences – privacy, the look, separation of property – but the most common reason was safety for their children. They wanted something different for their families once inside the gate.

Isn’t that what Christ is telling us? He is the gate into the safe pasture. In verse 11 he adds clarity saying, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Only by coming through the gate can we experience the true safety, the radical love of the Shepherd, the total protection, and the transforming restoration as a child of God. 

Greg Matte explains; “Gates make a huge difference. There are gates at stadiums, gated communities, gates at airports and gates on ranches. There is a difference between life with Christ and life apart from Him. Life is vastly different on the other side of a gate.” 

Abba Father, thank you that through Christ; through our Gate, our lives can be transformed. That through that Gate we can be restored, rescued, protected, and loved like never before. 

Father, thank you for all Christ did so that our lives can be vastly different.

Grace and Peace!

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