Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sensing Jesus

I recently started reading a book titled “Sensing Jesus” by Zack Eswine. I am only 20 pages into it and find it hard to put down. It is a book filled with reminders of grace for our brokenness and deals specifically with those in ministry. Zack says the purpose of his book is; “I believe the Christian life and ministry are an apprenticeship with Jesus toward recovering our humanity and, through his Spirit, helping our neighbor do the same.” 

He starts the book with the following: 

Remembering Our Purpose 

The place He gives us to inhabit.
The few things He gives us to do in that place. 

The persons He invites us to know there. 
These our days,
our lingering. 

It is enough then,
this old work of hands 

His and ours
to love here,
to learn his song here,

like crickets that scratch 
and croon
from nooks unseen, 

carrying on with
what they were made for, 

the night craft of
unnoticed faces,
with our wings unobserved, 

until He walks again
in the cool of the day,
to call our names once more. 

And we then,
with our stitched white flags, 

will from behind His evergreens, 
finally unhide ourselves, 
unblushed with Him to stroll 
once more.

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