Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Jesus is Amazing

I just finished reading Kevin DeYoung’s book; “Crazy Busy”, and I am sure I will have more on that later, but in the book he makes an incredibly simple yet profound statement… “Jesus Amazes Me.”  You have to let that sink in for a few minutes, yet it is so true.  We just have to stop from our busyness to see.  Hebrews 1:3 reminds us:

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
In my clear moments I am truly amazed and in awe that Jesus; my Lord and Savior, is the radiance of God’s glory; the exact representation of his being…shouldn’t we all be amazed?  In his book “One Way Love”, Tullian Tchividjian reminds us that “the Bible is one long story of God meeting our rebellion with His rescue, our sin with His salvation, our guilt with His grace, our badness with His goodness.  The overwhelming focus of the Bible is not the work of the redeemed but the work of the Redeemer.”
And later in the book Tullian states; “The Gospel of Jesus Christ announces that because Jesus was strong for you, you’re free to be weak.  Because Jesus won for you, you’re free to lose.  Because Jesus was Someone, you’re free to be no one.  Because Jesus was extraordinary, you’re free to be ordinary.  Because Jesus succeeded for you, you’re free to fail.”
Now that is not to say we need or have to be weak or losers or simply ordinary, but it is saying we are free; free from guilt, free from performance anxiety, free because of the love of Christ.  As I really come to terms with this I find myself overwhelmed, in awe and simply amazed.  You know Jesus Amazes me!
Grace and Peace!

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