Sunday, December 22, 2013

Being Sent

John 20:21

Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 

As Christmas approaches I am been thinking a lot about the incarnation of Christ. What has been described as the most amazing miracle of all; Christ coming, being sent, Christ fully God and fully man. J. I. Packer describes incarnation as “the union of Godhead and manhood in the person of Jesus.” What a glorious gift this is! 

As Christmas approaches I think of Christ being sent to seek and save the lost, to restore our relationship to God, to complete us...and it is so amazing to me. I am so thankful, I am so in awe, I am so humbled, I am so loved, I am so happy...I think you get the point. And as such my heart is just overwhelmed to the point of being transformed and I just need to share this good news. 

As Christmas approaches I am part of a core group that is preparing to launch a new church. This is a time of mixed emotion for me as it means we leave the church we have known for so many years, a place where we are so comfortable, a place where we have community, a place where we worship, a place where we are loved. Yet, there is such joy in being sent to share this good news. 

Our current church and our core group talk much about being missional. The word mission in Latin actually means sending. So to me as Christians we are always to be in this position of being sent. This can be as a core group being sent to start a new church to reach the lost, to reach those in need, to reach those with the love of our Savior. Being sent can also be right where we are; sent to offer mercy and compassion and to offer love to our neighbors. 

This Christmas as I reflect on the greatest gift of all...”the union of Godhead and manhood in the person of Jesus” for the purpose of loving us a people so undeserving. I am so thankful that I will have opportunity to share this good news, to help those in need, to love neighbors. 

Merry Christmas everyone! 

Grace and Peace!

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