Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dirty Dishes

Psalm 118:1

Give thanks to the L
ORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

You know we have it so good in America that we (I) take much for granted. We have become a people of more is better. This becomes evident especially during the Christmas season; a season that should be focused on the greatest gift. 

It should be focused on a loving God that sent His Son; it should be focused on the love of Christ who sacrificed all so that we could be restored; it should be focused on the expectant hope of Christ’s return.

We should be a thankful people. We have clean air to breathe, we have clean water, we are able to take showers, and we are able to be free to enjoy life and friends and family. We have food and clothes and there are so many blessings in life; blessings that we sometimes take for granted. Oh, that we could just stop for a moment and “count our blessings.” 

Now I really do not want to sound like the Grinch whole stole Christmas, and there is so much good about Christmas; family gatherings, friends, sharing, giving and I hope we all get to enjoy these things. It is my hope that during this Christmas season that I can participate and enjoy all these things from a position of thankfulness. Thankful to the one through which all things are possible and all things are provided. 

I had a friend tell me we should even be thankful for dirty dishes because that means we have food to eat! 

Father, thank you that you loved us so that you sent your only son; thank you that by grace we are saved and thank you for the tender mercies we are given each and every day. Thank you for the amazing and completely finished work of Christ. Thank you for the comfort and counsel of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your magnificent, beautiful, and incredible plan of redemption. Thank you for your good and enduring love.  Father, thank you for dirty dishes...

Grace and Peace!

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