Saturday, May 25, 2013

Line of Sight

Hebrews 12:1 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us 

Line of sight is defined as an imaginary line from the eye to a perceived object. I recently heard Matt Chandler talk and he asked the question what do people see when the look at the church? A great question; one that we should probably use as a guide. 

What do people see when they look at the church? Do they see in fighting, jealousy, strife? Do they see inward focused people; do they see people that show up only on Sunday? Or do they see a people focused on Christ, loving one another, loving their neighbors, serving as “tools in the hands of God”? Do they see an attracting light in this dark and broken world? 

We are truly surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses with Christ as chief, and there is so much positive I see in the local church, but as humans we must be on guard against things that hinder and entangle and insure that we are focused on that which is truly important; the good news of Jesus Christ. 

Any time there are people involved there will be disagreements, there will be concerns, there will be issues. However, Matt Chandler gave some great advice as we encounter these times; act Christianly...Even if we disagree about something within the church or between churches or between ministries; let’s act Christian. Better yet, let’s be Christian. 

Grace and Peace!

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