Sunday, September 23, 2012

Faithful Brothers

I am part of a group of guys that meets each Friday morning to explore things Christian.  It is a good and diverse group, which brings different perspectives and thought.   I am so excited as we have embarked on a study and discussion on the book of Colossians. N. T. Wright describes Colossians as one of the shortest of Paul’s letters, and also one of the most exciting. Further he says; “It is more like a flower, growing from a small bud and then gradually opening up to reveal, layer upon layer.”

I am so looking forward to this study.  Even the first two verses have caused me to pause.

Paul, and apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, to the holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace and peace to you from God our Father.

Paul’s letters were usually written to instruct, to answer or out of concern for issues rising up, all of which apply even today.  Of these first two verses R. C. Lucas writes; “The danger to ‘faithful brethren’, rooted and grounded in Christ lies not so much in false teaching from outside the boundaries of the Christian church…No the danger for the enthusiastic young converts comes from error within the Churches.”  Ouch, can we see this today?

I pray for our churches that we will focus on the gospel, on Christ and His finished work for our salvation.  I pray that we will develop community and relationships with Christ at the center and I pray we know the difference between sound doctrine and self-righteousness.  Maybe it is me, but lately I see Churches taking stands on big issues; issues like politics and abortion and you all need to know and believe I agree with the Christian worldview on such subjects, but as I think back to what attracted me to Church, it was the fact that it was a safe environment for all; the lost, the non-believer, the spiritually mature.  All welcomed, all loved, all growing.

I try to think that if we are truly trying to reach the lost; are they going to feel safe or welcome if the first thing they see is a table with a political petition involving one of these major issues of the day.  And as I think about it where are the tables and petitions against gossip, self-righteousness, idolatry, and the sins I struggle with every day?

I don’t know if any of this makes sense, but when I see these things, I try to put myself in the shoes of the lost (since I once was lost) coming to church for the first time.  So what if someone shows up broken and searching and desperately seeking grace and forgiveness and love and that person is greeted with a table and a political petition?  Will we ever have a chance to know and love them, will we ever have a chance to enter into their suffering and guide them toward Christ as the answer, will we ever have a chance to establish a relationship with this person so that we are there with them as they come to recognize their sin and the need for a savior?

Again, not sure I am making sense, but if we are serious about being a more outward facing church I feel strongly we need to face outward with hearts full of love, hospitality, serving; offering grace and hope (1 Peter 4:8-10). We should teach (especially the lost) with patience and gentleness (2 Tim 2:24-25).

I recently was reading a pastor's blog and he made the statement; "strength without sensitivity hurts the wrong people".  I thought that was such great insight. We ought be asking ourselves in our efforts; who will we hurt? 

Now all this said, please understand I do believe we desperately need the whole truth, we need all of the Word, but to me it is more of how that truth and Word is presented, taught, expressed.  This sinner is so thankful that for me these truths were presented in the context of the great Love of Jesus; full of grace bringing such peace!

Father, oh how we need you now!  Help us to know the way, help us to reach out in love and show others the only true hope; our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Father, I am so glad You are God and we are not!

Grace and Peace!

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