Sunday, September 9, 2012

It is Finished!

John 19:30a: When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.”
This particular verse has been sticking with me for a while.  I am dwelling on it, praying about it, learning from it.  It is really difficult to describe the impact this verse is having on me, the emotion, the realization, the weight and what good news it is.
Stop and think about this verse, immerse yourself in it and ask yourself what is finished? You know believers and non-believers alike have turned from God, we are broken, self centered and I know I have come to recognize my total brokenness; my sinful nature.  As such I know I have such a debt to be paid.  What can I possibly do to make it up; absolutely nothing – It is finished!
The phrase it is finished in Greek means to complete, to carry out, to perform, execute, complete, fulfill – it is rich in it’s meaning.  It is also an accounting term used to designate that the debt is paid in full.  Isn’t that just amazing.  Christ has paid our debt in full; there is nothing we need do.  That is the gospel, that is the good news.  In response, I am just filled with awe, wonder and joy! 
Charles Spurgeon once gave a sermon on this verse and to paraphrase; Spurgeon encourages us to tell the world it is finished.  When someone comes to you saying they are not good enough, tell them it is finished; when someone says the struggle with sin is too great, tell them it is finished; when someone is struggling with doubt and fear, tell them it is finished! When we struggle with faith we must remind ourselves even daily that it is finished!  Amen
Finally, Collin Wittaker tells the story of the Christian missionary to China; Hudson Taylor’s conversion;
Finding himself with time on his hands and bored he went into his father's study to find a book to read. Failing to find one that interested him he flipped through a little pile of pamphlets. A gospel booklet attracted his attention and he picked it up but only with the intention of reading the story part. It was a warm June day and he retreated with it into the old warehouse behind the shop and curled up in a corner, fully intending to stop reading when he came to the religious bit. But one sentence suddenly struck him and made him think. The phrase was, 'The finished work of Christ'. Immediately the words 'It is finished' came into his mind. He had struggled to be a Christian in his own strength and failed; he had got the idea that one's bad deeds had to be somehow balanced or paid for by one's good deeds. Now the question came into his mind, 'What was finished?' Suddenly, like a light shining into his heart, the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to him. It was as clear and bright and warm as the rays of the summer sun shining outside. He realized that the debt of sin was paid in full by Christ for us, for the whole world. Then came the thought, if the whole work was finished and the whole debt paid, what was there left for him to do? The way of salvation dawned upon Hudson at that moment. He realized there was nothing to be done except to fall down on his knees and accept the Savior and His salvation, and to praise Him forever.  There and then he fell on his knees and was praising God.
May we all come to realize the great debt that has been paid for each of us in every way.  May we see that this debt has been paid in full, it is finished and as this realization overcomes us, may we all fall on our knees, praising and worshipping our Lord!

Grace and Peace!

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