Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Giddy with Excitement

I have been concerned lately with my focus and came to realize my vision was a little blurry. I have been focused lately on task and getting away from God’s word. It came to a head recently and I am refocusing and what a wonderful thing it is. I once heard a young theologian introducing a well respected theologian saying he was “giddy with excitement” for the opportunity to hear this highly regarded speaker.

As I refocus, a window opened for me to be part of a study of the book of Job and I must tell you all I am “giddy with excitement” about this opportunity. My heart is just filled with enthusiasm over this and it is hard to explain. This is a book with such great wisdom, but a book that deals with some pretty tough issues. Yet, I am still so looking forward to this study.

I find myself reading more and more and just everything I can find on Job. I discovered that Tullian Tchividjian has just started a 10 week sermon series on Job and I am listening along as well. Pastor Tchividjian explained he was so caught up in preparing for this series that he was marinating in Job. That is how I feel as well. It is almost electric.

I am so thankful that my vision is clearing, my focus is getting better and I am just filled with energy. I can’t wait to see where God takes us in this study; it is a great group just itching to learn and grow.

Father, thank you so much for clearing my clutter, for helping me turn to your Word. Thank you that your Word is alive and active, thank you that your Word is there for each of us. Father, let us be immersed in your Word and as we are help us to understand; help us to apply; help us to help others all to your glory and in the most precious name of Jesus Christ - Amen!

Grace and Peace!

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