Friday, September 24, 2010

The Good Shepherd

My last blog talked about focus and has caused me to examine just what I am focused on. I was shocked. There is much going on, transition at church, busyness at work, a friend suffering emotionally, a friend in medical crisis. However, what I came to see that I was focused on task, self-reliance. I am trying to refocus and ensure that Christ is at the center of all. As I am doing this I have been lead to the first 3 verses of the 23rd Psalm;

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

So just to quickly share what has come to light (come into focus) in those 3 verses

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want – describes where my focus should be – on the Shepherd and if it is I shall not be in want – the phrase shall not be in want in Hebrew means not in need of anything.

2a He makes me lie down in green pastures – thinking contextually this was not a land of green pastures and green pastures would require the sacrificial and loving work of the Shepherd and then; oh my goodness, for me to be able to lie down in my Shepherds pasture – what comfort. Read an interesting thought concerning this verse that for a field to bear fruit it must lie fallow – it must rest – not so reliant on my efforts.

2b he leads me beside quiet waters – Quiet waters just complete this Oasis provided by the Shepherd where the sheep can lie down in what John Piper describes as restful security – no worries!

3a he restores my soul – He, the Shepherd – restores my soul – not me; not my efforts; not you and with just a little focus on the Shepherd; oh how my soul is being restored! The phrase being restored in Hebrew has this connotation of refreshed, revived, restored!

3b He guides me in paths of righteousness – how are we guided in paths of righteousness – by the Shepherd, by His word, by study and by worship – Amen.

3c for his name's sake – All this done out of love, out of mercy, by His grace and for His names sake – all for His Glory – Amen and. Amen!

Father – You are so amazing, so glorious, and so wonderful. Please forgive me my lack of focus, my worry and my lack of trust. Thank you that we have a Shepherd, a Shepherd that provides; a Shepherd that will restore. I pray for each of us that we will have maximum clarity and even with all we have going on, the trials, the needs, the activities, and that our focus will be on our Great Shepherd – praying in the name of our Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ Amen.

Grace and Peace!

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