Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have a friend who is struggling right now. I am not sure how to help; he wants space. It has caused me to think and pray. You know life is full of stuff – trials, storms, tribulations. Yet, I think that no matter what is going on if our focus is correct we can persevere, we can move forward in this life.

Focus is an interesting word. It means the concentration of attention or energy on something, maximum clarity and a point where there is a convergence of light. So to me the question becomes where is our focus? Pastor Scotty Smith in a recent prayer helps provide me some clarity when it comes to focus.

He said, “It’s only because of your cross, Jesus, that we can be certain that trials don’t come to us as punishment for our sins, but for the purification of our faith. We praise you for exhausting God’s judgment against our sins. We praise you that your cross was our Judgment Day. The perfect love of the cross drives away all fear of judgment and punishment (1 John 4:18). What peace this give us… what hope… what freedom!”

So this stuff of life is not punishment and with focus we can see that the result will be the purification of our faith. With focus on God, Christ and the cross we can have true peace, eternal hope! Amen and Amen.

In Psalm 42:11 we see;

Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.

Downcast, disturbed? Focus on the cross of Christ; put your hope in the Lord. May we all concentrate our attention, may we all achieve maximum clarity, may we find that point where there is a convergence of light. May that focus reveal the Love of our Savior!

Grace and Peace!

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