Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Guiding Prayer

Good and Gracious God,

In the Psalms you tell us; for this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end. Father, we praise you that you are our God for all time; you are our most high guide providing our path in this thing called life; providing our everything and all this despite our shortcomings, our many failures, our sinful natures. Father forgive us as we cry out with thanks!

Oh, how you must love us; what a wondrous and loving God you are and for that we say thank you.

Thank you for your son Jesus Christ; our Lord and Savior, the one, who restored our path; the one whose sacrifice makes forgiveness possible; thank you for your Spirit; our comforter and counselor; the one who helps us see your path. Thank you for laughter and fellowship; thank you for your Church that beacon of the only true and eternal hope and we pray that your church will continue to be ever expanding and ever glorifying; Thank you that we all have a place to praise you, to worship you and we pray that each of us will grow in our love for You, in our love for one another, that we will reach out to our neighbors in love and service.

This day we lift up our missionaries around the world that you would protect and provide as they spread the good news. We pray for safety, encouragement and that their gifts will be used to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray for our country as we face untold pressures, we pray that there would be a spiritual renewal; an awakening; and a turning to you for all things.

We pray for for those battling illness, we pray for healing and comfort and strength; for those facing economic troubles we pray for guidance, assistance and resolution; for those in despair we pray for encouragement and support and something we all need; Hope!

Lord, you are the God of Hope and that is our prayer for all. Praying as Paul did in Romans;

May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in him, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, may we all overflow with hope!

We pray for so many things, but mostly we pray your will be done.

Abba Father we love you and pray these many things in the most holy name of Jesus. Amen

Grace and Peace!

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