Saturday, October 18, 2008

Young Life

I had the awesome privilege of attending a Young Life club for middle schoolers. The little I knew about Young Life came from my daughter. She is currently a team leader working with middle school kids. What great and encouraging work this fine organization is doing; relating to kids, building relationships with kids, guiding kids with a gentle and loving spirit and teaching kids about our Lord and Savior.

This particular evening I witnessed fun, good music, games, a skit involving a good friend; “Cletus”, and a most excellent message concerning the divinity of Christ. It was so beautiful and simple even I; I mean the kids, could understand it. Have you ever wondered why we as Christians sometimes make things so complicated?

Anyway, this evening the message was taken from John 11 where Jesus travels to Bethany upon the news of Lazarus’ death. He walks into a time of great mourning and was troubled in spirit and we see one of the most moving verses.

35Jesus wept.

We see the human side of our Savior, he loved so much and he felt the pain and he wept. But, then the truly divine happens; and our Lord, our Savior raises Lazarus from death. We see it so clearly in verses 43 and 44;

43When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" 44The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go."

Can you see it? Christ fully human and fully God – amazing! Isn’t there a message for all of us here? Through Christ we can “come out” taking off the grave clothes of this world.

Way to go Young Life!

Grace and Peace

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