Friday, September 19, 2008

Get a Grip

My church has a business outreach which includes a group that meets very early in the morning once each week. It is a time of prayer, fellowship and study. It really helps me put things in perspective. Currently, we are readying a book titled “Respectable Sin” written by Jerry Bridges. It is an introspective journey for Christians. A journey that helps us see the plank in our eye rather than the specks out in the world.

It has been a great study and one that has just reaffirmed our totally broken natures and our need of a savior. It also proves that our Christian walk will be long, the road to maturity will be at times difficult, but there is hope. I recently came across a sermon from C. H. Spurgeon and in it Spurgeon says; "Sanctification completed is our salvation perfected: purity without spot will be our Paradise Regained".

Paradise regained is somehow so encouraging to me on my walk. My pastor and good friend recently told the story of his days working in a youth camp in Colorado. In this camp he learned to repel and his job was to show campers how to repel. During this time he became convinced he was a very good climber.

On a day without campers, the seasoned climbers in the group asked him to join them on a “technical” climb. Things were going great until they reached a very difficult stretch, very high, one where all you have is your rope and some cracks and bumps to grasp. Suddenly my friend realizes his predicament and panics. He freezes, he can’t breathe, he can’t move. This tiny rope is all that is between him and disaster.

He stays frozen for what seems like forever, when he hears a voice calling his name. This voice says breathe, relax, everyone has been in this position before. He finally looks up and it is his friend, his guide smiling down to him. This friend says; “I’ve got your rope. I will not let you fall”. Suddenly the panic subsides, he begins to breathe, his hands relax and the climb continues – successfully I might add. My pastor says; isn’t it comforting to know that Christ is much like this guide on our Christian walk. Christ has our rope and will not let us fall.

Spurgeon’s sermon was on Psalm 37:39 which tells us; The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble.

Let’s all take comfort that though our walk will at times be difficult, what a stronghold we have. May we all breathe, relax and continue our Christian climb with a guide that words can’t possibly describe.

Grace and Peace!

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