Sunday, May 28, 2023



Ephesians 2:8

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God…

I’ve been thinking a lot about grace, my daily need of it and how life can be at times a real struggle. I read that God’s grace is his unmerited favor. And boy I sure can corner the market on unmerited!

There is a country song out titled Need A Favor by Jason DeFord (Jelly Roll). It has this lyric: 

“Who the hell am I, to expect a savior?

If I only talk to God, when I need a favor?

But God, I need a favor.”

That is so me. Seems all I do is ask for favors. I give our great, loving and merciful God a to do list, but it seems every day I do need a favor.

It is during my struggles that I realize that my only true hope, my only hope is unmerited favor, that my only hope is the favor of God. And as I worry and fret it hits me that because of God’s love, because of Christ’s finished and complete work, because of grace, I am granted favor. Because of grace, I am saved. And that is good, refreshing, restoring news!

Hallelujah and thank you Jesus! And boy do I need a favor!

Grace and Peace!

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