Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Lessons From James

The book of James has a strange impact on me. It causes me to struggle. There is tension - Gospel tension. With 59 commands in 108 verses how do I reconcile these commands and my inability to live up to these commands. James merely shows me my hopeless state, and yet if we look closely in James there is hope, Gospel Hope.  It seems to me, James is pointing me to Jesus. Point is not strong enough, it sends me running to Jesus, it humbles me, it shows me that grace is the only hope for me, a sinner. 

James teaches us that mercy triumphs over judgement (2:13) and reminds us the Lord is compassionate and merciful (5:11) and then shows us the hope we broken ragamuffins have in Christ with a simple yet overwhelming and breathtaking statement; ‘But he gives more grace!’ (4:6) Oh that amazing, healing, restoring grace! Thank you Lord Jesus. 

And Lord help me humbly walk along this path with a merciful and forgiving heart, with compassion and grace just as you have had mercy on me, forgiving me with the compassion and grace that only you can provide. 

You know God is love! 

Grace and peace!

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