Friday, November 12, 2021

Beautifully Broken

Warren Haynes has a song that is titled Beautifully Broken with a haunting (at least for me) chorus:

Beautifully broken

Shaped by the wind

Dangerously twisted

Here I go again

Here I go again

I know that I often feel this way on my walk in this broken world. But we have a very real and a very comforting assurance. Hebrews 2:11 assures us as follows:

…For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers…

This verse show us that with the help and presence of our loving and perfect big brother, we can turn from our present imperfections toward a less imperfect path with faith and trust in the future grace we will need.

What assurance we have, assurance that we now stand perfect and complete in the eyes of our Good, Good Father not because we are perfect now,  or because we are complete, but entirely because of the perfect and complete work of our big brother who is shaping us (sanctifying, setting apart, being made holy) step by step…day by day.

This is the perfect picture of oneness in Christ…the perfect picture of our perfect and holy and loving big brother leading us from beautifully broken to more beautiful and less broken! We know we are now traveling in grace and we can trust in future grace along the way!

Safe travels for sure…

Grace and peace!

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