Monday, May 17, 2021

Joel - which way to turn

Continuing through the minor prophets I recently completed the book of Joel. I found it to be a story of repentance and redemption; a story of grace and restoration. Boice reminds us that “the goal of Joel’s writing, of course – to lead people to repentance.” And this repentance is a recognition of our need of rescue resulting in a turning back to God. Boice says repentance is “essentially an about-face.”

So what did I learn from Joel? What is the big idea helpful for today? The takeaway for me is that in our brokenness, in this broken world, in our stubbornness and pride, as we face trouble, famine, locust, pandemics, even division, and as we recognize it, our proper position is a turning to – better yet running to God. And as we turn just like the prodigal son we will see our Father with open arms running to us.

Hadjiev encourages us with these words. “As for those who bow the knee before the Lamb, God will wipe every tear from their eyes as he ushers them into his holy presence and settles them in a land flowing with wine, milk and water.

I recently tweeted that we have a God that loves the broken, messed up, ragamuffins of this world. You know someone like me…and He loves us so much that He sent his only Son to our rescue and because of this we can rejoice in the living and certain hope we have in Christ!

May we all turn to God and rest in his mighty arms! Exodus 33:14 tells us: And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Rest easy my friends...

Grace and Peace!

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