Monday, March 30, 2020

Crying Out

Father God, in Lamentations 3:21-23 we are told; But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Oh Father, I am praying this morning in what might be a very mixed,  maybe even confused and rambling way...praying a prayer of lament; Father God hear my prayer, Oh Father how long, Lord God, I pray for your grace in dealing with me, with each of us. I pray for your miraculous healing and an end to the Coronavirus. And I pray that the day would come quickly so that families can gather, grandkids can visit, and church families might come together in person and in true community once again.  

I pray a prayer of thanksgiving as I am so thankful that most everyone I know is ok, and I confess my pity party as I suffer nothing more than a little inconvenience.  Father, forgive me and thank you for your steadfast love, your amazing grace and your oh so tender mercies.  Thank you for your daily blessings, for provisions, for sunshine, for blue skies, for air to breath and water to drink and food to eat. And Father in this trying time, I pray with a grateful heart for your Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that he would come to seek and save, that he would take on my, our transgressions so that we might be eternally healed, that he would overcome the world. And thank you for your Spirit, your Spirit that is with us that we might be guided and comforted in these crazy days. Oh Lord, May we all take heart.

Father God, I also pray a prayer of petition that more and more and more would turn to you, to know you, to hear the good news of the gospel in many different ways, yes even online.  I pray for first responders, medical professionals, others that can’t stay home, praying that your protection, strength and encouragement would be with them, I pray for the sick and those suffering, for those in need, those out of work, praying that your provision, your healing touch, your comfort and most wonderful peace would be with them all, I pray for those in authority and scientist focused on this virus, praying for wisdom and new breakthroughs.  

Father, I pray for churches everywhere that they might press on in new ways, with technology and with heartfelt love and concern for church families, for friends, for neighbors and the communities in which we live, serving even if serving means staying away for a while. Father I pray for pastors everywhere as they share the good news that is Jesus. I pray your Spirit would be with them! Oh Lord, I pray for people everywhere that might “tune-in”, that there might be spirit filled and joyful worship.

Finally Father, I pray a prayer of great hope, knowing our hope is in you. Father, Billy Graham once said; “I've read the last page of the Bible, it's all going to turn out all right.” Oh Father, like Reverend Graham, help us know and trust in the love you have for us and help us know with every fiber of our being that it’s all going to turn out all right!

Abba Father, I pray this all in the mighty and wonderful and loving and amazing name of Jesus Christ! Amen and Amen!!!

Grace and Peace!

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