Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Even though things have slowed way down for me (a good thing) and I find myself happier and way less stressed, there are times. This morning I found myself heading out on a great journey to the fitness center and as I was driving along in morning traffic someone in front of me decided to turn without using a turn signal. 

Now I had plenty of space to slow down so there was no real issue, but I could feel the rage coming on because this person interfered with my smooth and expert driving skills. My “Peaceful Easy Feeling” (our Pastor uses numerous musical references so it must be contagious) was gone and it had been replaced by “Highway to Hell”. 

As my temper was about to exceed the boiling point, something grabbed my attention. It was the clear blue Florida sky and the beautiful sun climbing mid morning. Something whispered to me do you really want to be that angry? Something else came to mind – What if Jesus got that angry with me every time I made a mistake. Do I really want to be overcome by anger? Or do I want to be overcome with joy and happiness realizing all Christ has done; all Christ has secured for me. 

As joy began to clear my “Angry Eyes” I was able to begin to pray. I think I will use a part of that prayer for a while as part of my morning prayer or a devotional or simply a reminder of how to approach my day... 

Abba Father, 

Help me this day to be of good spirit knowing the Holy Spirit is with me; 
Help me to overflow with joy amazed by all Christ has done for me;
And help me to love because you first loved me... 

Amen and Amen. 

Grace and Peace!

1 comment:

Alden said...

Your prayer is so on point. May Jesus us it to calm, settle and humble me day by day. Press on bro.