Wednesday, February 11, 2015

In the Word

Being “in the Word” has been on my mind lately. Not sure I really care for the jargon, but it is descriptive. Spurgeon said we should immerse ourselves in God’s Word. The older I get the more I agree...If we believe (and we do) that God is our sovereign over all creation; if he is our heavenly Father, maker of Heaven and Earth, shouldn't we desire, crave, need to read every word He has written?

Recently I had a couple of encouragements. I am using a devotional guide to prayer that my daughter gave me and our weekly topic was the Authority of the Word. On the first day of this weekly devotional, I was led to Genesis 1 and 6 times in 24 verses (if I counted correctly) we see “And God Said,” followed by “And it was so.” This of course is the creation account and it is so easy to see the importance, the power, the wonder of God’s very Word. 

Later in the week I was reading Acts 27:25 where Paul says: 

"So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me." 

I find that so amazing; amazing faith, amazing grace, amazing Word!

It just struck me that our God speaks and it is so; our God speaks and it is just as he tells can we not read his Mighty, Amazing, Powerful, Wonderful, Loving Word? 

Father, grant us a ready spirit, provide us uncluttered minds, give us hearts to comprehend and feel the majesty, power, love, and grace of your Redemptive Word... 

Grace and Peace!

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