Friday, January 30, 2015


Came across this story on Fox News about the persecution of Christian Missionaries...and while that in and of itself is newsworthy the thing that touched me most, the thing that humbled me most was the reactions of the Christians. It doesn’t really matter who did what in this, just look at the reactions of the missionaries. Oh, to be more and more like Christ! 

A portion of the story by Todd Starnes is below...

Could you imagine the international outcry if Christians had burned 45 mosques? 

But that’s not what happened in Niger. The Christian community did not retaliate. They did not respond with angry voices. 

“That’s because we are people of mercy and grace and faith,” Neal told me. “We don’t react in the flesh and we don’t react out of anger.” 

Indeed, Christian leaders in Niger held a press conference and announced they forgave those who burned down their churches. 

“The church is recognizing this is something to be joyful over — the church and their faith have been proven,” Neal said. “Jesus said rejoice and be exceedingly glad when men persecute you, for great is your reward in heaven.” 

The Muslim mobs may return, but that’s OK with Neal. 

“We are preaching the Gospel and living as an example before the people,” he said. “It was demonstrated in our response. It is not our nature to be aggressive or violent. We forgive those that attack.” 

Good words spoken by a man with a deep and abiding faith in our Lord. 

And yet I still can’t seem to get over the image of that charred Bible found in the ashes of that church house. I’m reminded of a passage of Scripture from the Old Testament. 

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” 

Grace and Peace!

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