Saturday, October 18, 2014

Prayer of Praise!

Father God, as I was reading this week, as I prepared to study your most remarkable attributes; I must confess that I was awestruck by your practically indescribable power. Father, you literally breathed life into creation and that just blows my mind. And at the same time you love us. In fact, John tells us you are love and that too just is almost too amazing. 

Amazing that the ultimate in power loved us first and loves us still; that our Father in Heaven loves us and loves us despite our blemishes and shortcomings. Amazing that your majestic and eternal power contains within it the most wonderful and constant love for us.

Father, You love us so much that by your grace we have been saved. You love us so much that you would send your Son to rescue, to secure, to restore us to all eternity.

Father, thank you and we pray that this amazingly good news would be our first thought, our paradigm, our world-view and as such would guide our lives, our worship and praise of you. So Father we do pray that our worship; our praise will always be spirit filled and full of our love to you. 

And Father we pray for our community that more and more people would come to know your absolute power and love, and would come to know your tender mercies. Father, we pray that we will be a community in awe of your greatness, your grace and your love and that we would share that good news with those around us. We pray that we would welcome all that we encounter, that we would love as you love us. 

Finally Father, we thank you for your God breathed word. We pray your spirit will be with us all.  Abba Father, we love you and pray these many things in the most beautiful name of Jesus...Amen!

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