Thursday, November 21, 2013

Psalm 80

I am finding great comfort and encouragement in the Psalms. Recently, I came across Psalm 80. A lament; a crying out and I noticed that a particular prayer is repeated 3 times in this Psalm.
In verses 3, 7 and 19 you find: 

Restore us, LORD God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.

This stuck with me and I started to focus on a few of the words in this verse. 

I noticed restore and in Hebrew this word is shuwb and it means to turn back; to restore, to refresh, to repair. Oh, Restore me Lord. Spurgeon says of this; “the best turn is not of a circumstance, but of character.” I notice it is a cry to restore us and not others. 

I then moved on to shine which in Hebrew is owr and it means to become light, to illuminate, to kindle or light up. Couldn’t we all use a little light and illumination in this dark world? And I know there are days (most) when I need a little spiritual spark to keep me going. 

Finally, I look at saved which in Hebrew is yasha and means to be rescued, to give victory, to be liberated, to be delivered from danger or distress. So there is this feeling of not only being set free from danger or distress, but through our great God gaining victory over the woes of this world. 

Father, thank you for your amazing and wonderful word. Words that restore, refresh, repair; words that illuminate and ignite a passion within us; word that set us free! Amen!!! 

Grace and Peace! 

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