Saturday, March 2, 2013


Today would have been my mother’s 75th birthday. It has not been that long since she left this world and I know there is still healing to come, but I also know we will always miss her. 
A good friend of mine; a pastor that has been so supportive of me shared that his mother described losing her parents as a weird feeling she even went on to say she at times felt like an orphan. 

That stuck with me and I began to think about that statement. It is hard to explain, but for me there just feels as if there is a hole in your heart. I know there will be things that try to fill that hole; there will be good friends, family, other stuff of this world. However, all will fall a little short. 

My friend also shared a favorite verse of his; John 14:18. In this verse Jesus promises something remarkable... 

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” 

So I know it will take time and there is a time to mourn, a time to grieve, but also a time to rejoice. So as we will always miss Mom, if we turn to Christ He will not leave us as orphans; He will come to us! How comforting, how encouraging, how loving! 

I have great peace knowing that my mother is in a better place; reunited with family and friends that have gone before. I have great peace knowing that she is in the loving arms of Christ. I have great peace knowing she will have no more tears, no more suffering. I have great peace that I will not be left as an orphan that Christ has come to me; an adopted child of God. Amen and Halleluiah! 

Happy Birthday Mom... 

Grace and Peace!

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