Saturday, March 9, 2013


As my spiritual journey finds me digging deeper into the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ; I find myself taking an introspective look at myself. It seems as if I am doing more and more with a feeling that it is never enough. Can you relate to that? Do you find being a Christian tiresome and full of doing this and doing that? As I continue to take this look at myself I want to make sure my heart is positioned correctly; to make sure I am doing out of love and not guilt. 

I found John 6:28-­‐29 very helpful:

Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” 

This is the story of Christ having fed the crowds then moved across the sea and the next morning the crowds followed. It is asked what must we do and Christ answers simply; believe – amazing. You know, as we believe our hearts are transformed and our love for Christ and His finished work grows and as it does we begin to love scripture, to love the poor, to desire to be in true community. We find ourselves giving generously and joyfully. We find ourselves forgiving as we have been forgiven. This is a proper heart position and I need more and more of the Gospel to keep me on that wonderful and glorious path. To insure that I am living a Gospel Centered life. 

J. D. Greear in his book titled “Gospel” (imagine that) says:

Gospel centeredness is about saturating your heart in the good news of Jesus – letting it so remake your mind that you see everything about yourself and your life through its lens.

Growth in Christ is not going beyond the gospel, but deeper into it. Make the gospel the center of your life. Turn to it when you are in pain. Let it be the foundation of your identity. Ground your confidence in it. Run to it when your soul feels restless. Take solace there in times of confusion and comfort there in times of regret. Dwell on it until righteous passions for God spring up within you. Let it inspire you to God-­centered, death-­defying dreams for His glory. 

My soul has found its resting place. No longer do I struggle, in anguish, over what I must do for God to be pleased with me. Christ has accomplished it all on my behalf. I can add nothing to it, and I can take nothing away. I have a lot of room to grow in my Christian life, but my position in Him is secure. 

Having found (or better yet, been found by) Him, and overwhelmed at His grace, my heart is growing in love for Him and others. Generosity is like a stream that flows ever-­stronger in my heart. I give away more money now that I ever have, not because I have to, but because I want to. I think about myself less now than I ever have – mainly because I have found a greater, more captivating kingdom to live for than my own. The splendor of his kingdom has made me bored with mine. 
So I invite you to dive deeper into the gospel. Study it, you study a sunset that leaves you speechless; or like a man who is passionately in love with his wife studies her, until he’s so captivated with her...The gospel is not merely the diving board into the pool of Christianity; the gospel is the pool itself.” 

Father, may we all understand that the gospel is not just the ticket to enter the club of Christianity it is the lifeblood of the Christian life. Abba Father, help us to know as we are in Christ there is nothing we can do to make you love us more and even more amazing is that there is nothing we can do that make you love us less. Father God, thank you so much for the finished work of Christ. Oh Great and Glorious Father, we believe; help our unbelief...Amen. 

Grace and Peace!

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