Saturday, February 4, 2012

Increasingly Centered

Isaiah 64:8

Yet you, LORD, are our Father. 
We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Recently a friend and I were talking; sharing what is going on in our lives. We were both kind of overwhelmed with “work”, there were also some additional trials, just the stuff of life and we began to wonder what lessons we might learn when the grind of life seems to be getting to us.

Pastor Tullian Tchividjian in his new book “Jesus + Nothing = Everything” talks of going through such a rough patch and what he came to see. Tullian says; "I learned much more of what it means for us to be God-centered, gospel-drenched people. I learned just how enslaved I was to lesser things and how Jesus had come to set me free. I saw with clearer eyes that because I'm a sinner - because we are all sinners - God has to do a lot of chiseling and cutting and sanding in your life and mine as he increasingly centers our hearts more tightly on Himself and the gospel"

Father, I cry out we are clay and you are the potter; Lord, I pray for increasingly centered hearts! Amen

Grace and Peace!

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