Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year; A New Command

Happy New Year!

People sometimes start each new year with a list of resolutions – a list of things we are going to try and be better at; lose weight, exercise more, be a better friend and the list could go on. I know that when I try this by February I have usually forgotten these resolutions. How about you?

I looked the word resolution up and found this definition; a course of action determined or decided on…I kind of like that. This definition has caused me to ponder. What will 2012 bring? What course of action will I take?

I was reading and came across John 13:34…

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

That is a powerful statement when you think about who said it and that he says it from a position of loving us despite all our broken resolutions; despite our shortcomings,he loves us still! Amen.

Wouldn’t that make a wonderful resolution for us all? If we could just love each other a little more this year, what would the results look like? Would we be better fathers, mothers, friends? Would there be less suffering and anger? We can only imagine unless…

Father God, this new year help us all to love one another. May your Spirit move us to love and love just as Christ loved us. Father, this is my prayer for 2012 and I pray this in the precious name of Jesus Christ; Amen and Amen!

Grace and Peace!

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