Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Blessedness of Eternal Life

John 6:47

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.

Have you ever stopped to think (pray) about the blessing of eternal life with Christ; the joy, the wonder of it all, no more tears, death, mourning or crying or pain? Even when I just catch a distorted view of this I am filled with a joy and happiness that is difficult to express.

Kevin DeYoung in his book, The Good News We Almost Forgot paints as good a picture as I have read of this gift of grace called eternal life. He says;

“The blessedness of eternal life is like savoring your favorite food, drinking you favorite drink, laughing with your favorite friends; it’s like seeing your wife on your wedding day sparkling in her overpriced dress and grinning from ear to ear; it’s like holding a newborn baby or watching your grandkids play; it’s like standing on a dune overlooking Lake Michigan on one side and seeing a sea of green treetops on the other; it’s like the peaceful majesty of corn blowing in the breeze in July, or watching and afternoon storm roll over the front range; it’s like being awed by a visit to the Great Wall of China or the skyline in New York City or the York Minster Cathedral in northern England. And it’s like that rare moment when you know in your bones that God is with you and you know you really love Him and you want to sing and shout and tell everyone how you feel. It’s like all these moments-except the moments never stop and never wane.

Life everlasting is like all of this power, beauty, delight, truth, and sweetness rolled into one experience, then multiplied by ten, then by a hundred, the by ten million. Eternal life in God’s presence will be such a weight of glory that we will feel as if we never knew happiness before and all our troubles will be in a moment forgotten as so puny and so trivial and to be utterly inconsequential compared to all this joy.

And this experience of delight and glory will go on forever.”

I can only imagine – Thank you Jesus! Amen and Amen.

Grace and Peace!

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