Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Voice of Thanksgiving

Psalm 26:7 (NASB)

That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving 
and declare all Your wonders.

Father, this Thanksgiving Day I am truly amazed at the wonders of your glory. In my moments of fuzzy clarity I am amazed by every sunset, every grain of sand, every relationship, every cloud filled blue sky, every tree and flower amazed by these glimpses of Your beauty and glory! Every smell at Thanksgiving, every remarkable piece of nature, every breathtaking sight speaks volumes to your being.

It causes me to say Halleluiah; our Indescribable God is altogether great, altogether loving, altogether lovely, altogether wonderful!

Father, when I think of your plan of redemption, when I think of all Christ has done, when I think by the power of the Holy Spirit; I must proclaim with a voice of thanksgiving declaring all your wonders.

When surrounded by these glimpses of your glory I am able to recognize the wonder of it all! Abba Father, with a voice of thanksgiving I proclaim amen and amen!

Grace and Peace!

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