Friday, May 13, 2011


I really enjoy the music of Ray LaMontagne; his sound is a bluesy, soulful, raspy sound, one that is just right up my alley. All you have probably heard his song “Trouble”. It was a hit and has been used on one of the major insurance carrier’s commercials.

One of the first lines says; “Trouble been doggin' my soul since the day I was born.” I really think that is so true of life for all of us at least to some degree. However, some seem to think that a faithful and loving relationship with Christ should prevent this trouble. You know, I just don’t see that anywhere in the Bible. I see there may be trouble even for believers.

Tullian Tchividjian discusses this in his book, "Do I Know God”. He is discussing the promises of God and states; “Too many people fall into the trap of believing that God is some kind of cosmic genie in a bottle. Or we expect that He owes us something whenever we do something good for Him… I have found myself many times accusing God of breaking promises He never made. The truth is, God never promised to deliver us from affliction here and now, even if we are really good."

Tullian points to Psalm 46:1; God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

He points out that God is there for us while we are IN trouble, not from trouble. So it seems to me that trouble may come, but as Christians we can rest assured that we have a refuge and strength through Christ whatever may come our way. You know that is so comforting to me. The next few verses of Psalm 46 provide even more assurance and it culminates for me in the first part of verse 7; The LORD Almighty is with us.

Isn’t it so amazing that no matter the issue in front of us, the concern, the worry, we have refuge, we have strength; the Lord Almighty is with us! Amen.

Grace and Peace!

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