Saturday, January 1, 2011

Trust Him

Happy New Year all! The older I get the faster the years seem to flash by. As I reflect on 2010 much has occurred in my life; many great blessings. I have seen spiritual growth in my own life, job, family, friends; again many, many blessings. Yet, I have seen great suffering; the death of a friend’s mother, my father’s failing health, a friends marriage in jeopardy, economic suffering.

I recently heard a sermon by Pastor E. V. Hill; a sermon delivered years ago at his wife’s funeral. I was amazed, I was overwhelmed, I was encouraged. It was an amazing testimony of faith. He built the sermon around Job 1:21;

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.

Oh, how heartfelt it was to hear this man speak of his loving wife, her years of support, affection, and love. With her in his life it must have been easy to praise the name of the Lord. Now however, she has been taken away and still we are called to praise the name of the Lord.

This was truly a message of faith. What came shining through for me was sometimes in life God just tells us to trust him; even when it doesn't make sense. Maybe that will help us all today and as we go forward into Him, trust Him, trust Him! Amen.

I will end this feeble effort with Psalm 143:8;

8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

May we all have faith in the unfailing love of our Savior, may we all have faith in the way we should go and may we all entrust our very lives to Him.

Grace and Peace!

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