Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pay Attention

Recently I was reading in Matthew and once again read the parable of the wedding banquet. It is amazing to me that no matter how many times I read a passage something new seems to be revealed. Anyway, as I was reading verse 5 just stuck with me;

5"But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business.

As I read this over and over, it just struck me that the business of life, the struggles of the day, the technology we enjoy, recreational opportunities, media, etc. just overwhelm us. And as they do I worry that we are not (I am not) paying attention.

Philip Yancey wrote that as a writer he is a busy person and it sometimes impacts his focus on Christ, his focus on prayer, his focus on things most important. However, he quickly pointed out he was not too busy for his e-mail, his favorite recreational activities perhaps a favorite show. You know I can really relate to that.

As busy as we all are, we must ensure right priorities; we must fight to ensure these right priorities. We must pay attention! I know it is a struggle; I know the temptations are strong; I know we can’t do it alone, but there is good news. We don’t have to do it alone.

We have a good and loving God, we have a Lord and Savior to rescue us, we have a Spirit to comfort and counsel us. Oh, how can we not pay attention!

As you know, that parable doesn’t really end with simply a call to pay attention; in fact the parable ends with a rather chilling statement in verse 14;

14"For many are invited, but few are chosen."

Oh, Abba Father you are so good; help us to “pay attention”, help us to recognize the wonderful invitation and to join you at your banquet for all eternity. Abba Father, we love you!

Grace and Peace!

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