Tuesday, September 22, 2009


1 Corinthians 9

24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Have you ever really stopped to think not in temporal terms, but really think about this prize? Have you ever contemplated this prize that we are all running toward? One of my men’s groups is starting a study on Heaven. I am anxious, excited and a little scared as I realize just how little I know about Heaven.

We are using Randy Alcorn’s book appropriately titled Heaven and he points out I am not alone in my lack of true understanding; a biblical understanding of heaven. He points out that even in the finest bible colleges and seminaries very little attention is given to detailed biblical study of heaven.

I am excited; maybe it is something that comes with age. Alcorn quotes Spurgeon who said; “To come to Thee is to come home from exile, to come to land out of a raging storm, to come to rest after long labor, to come to the goal of my desires and the summit of my wishes”.

I can’t wait to get started! This brings to mind a story (imagine that). A couple of years ago a friend of mine brought his family to our church for a cook out and a night of contemporary and live Christian music. It was just a nice, fun filled evening with games and activities for kids, food and then a night of music.

As we were sitting there under the “heavens” listening to the music there was a break between bands. As we sat in anticipation of the next band, my friends young daughter looked at her mother and said “Mommy, I can’t wait it’s going to be wonderful”.

I think as we uncover this prize, as we begin to understand Heaven; “it’s going to be wonderful”.

Father, as undeserving servants we thank you that there is still a prize; a prize to spend eternity with you in paradise. Luke 23:43 Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." Mind-boggling!

Grace and Peace!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Absolute Ideals and Absolute Grace

This title is inspired by Yancey’s book “The Jesus I never knew” and has really helped to open my mind a little to this thing called Grace. In his book Yancey points out that Jesus never lowers God’s standard in any of his teachings; his response to the young rich man, comments on divorce, money, all moral issues. Yancey points out that;

“Jesus never lowered God’s ideal. “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”, he said. “Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Not Tolstoy, not Francis of Assisi, not Mother Teresa, not anyone has completely fulfilled those commands.

Yet the same Jesus tenderly offered absolute Grace. Jesus forgave an adulteress, a thief on the cross, a disciple who had denied ever knowing him. Grace is absolute, inflexible, all-encompassing. It extends even to the people who nailed Jesus to the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” were among the last words Jesus spoke on earth.

Grace is for the desperate, the needy, the broken, those who cannot make it on their own. Grace is for us all.”

I would add that Grace is for us all even those who don’t yet see the need; those who only see the speck in their brother’s eye. Oh, how I need Grace! As we think about absolute ideals and absolute grace can you begin to see that these absolute ideals reveal to us the character and nature of God and give us something to strive for while revealing to us our overwhelming need for absolute grace?

I now more clearly see the chasm between what God is like and my truly broken nature and because of the absolute grace of God through Christ I will endeavor to bridge that gap joyfully; full knowing that I will never quite make it; recognizing full circle the grace and love of God for me, such a undeserving man.

Wow! Grace is truly amazing. I will close today with an excerpt from Spurgeon’s book “All of Grace”:

“"By grace are ye saved." Because God is gracious, therefore sinful men are forgiven, converted, purified, and saved. It is not because of anything in them, or that ever can be in them, that they are saved; but because of the boundless love, goodness, pity, compassion, mercy, and grace of God. Tarry a moment, then, at the well-head. Behold the pure river of water of life, as it proceeds out of the throne of God and of the Lamb!

What an abyss is the grace of God! Who can measure its breadth? Who can fathom its depth? Like all the rest of the divine attributes, it is infinite. God is full of love, for "God is love." God is full of goodness; the very name "God" is short for "good." Unbounded goodness and love enter into the very essence of the Godhead. It is because "his mercy endureth for ever" that men are not destroyed; because "his compassions fail not" that sinners are brought to Him and forgiven.”

Amen and Amen – God thank you that your compassion fails not! Father as we think about Your grace help us to “tarry a moment” and help us contemplate Your pure river, Your love, and Your mercy!

Grace and Peace!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Riches of His Grace

I have been wrestling even overwhelmed lately with understanding more about the grace of God. It’s tough to do when things seem so hard, but what a glorious gift it is if we can frame it correctly. For me I must try to as some would say “think outside the box”; I must think in spiritual terms, in eternal terms.

I have to think about God so loving the world. I have to think about a Savior so willing to sacrifice His life. I have to quit thinking in worldly and yes selfish ways and think as one convicted, as one in desperate need of saving.

Only then can I come to a point where I can see the magnificence of His grace. I think this is truly “marvelous beyond words”. Only then does my heart begin to fill with appreciation, with wonder, with love! Amen and Amen.

This brings to mind Ephesians 1;

3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 4For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. 7In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace 8that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.

You know I love to think about the richness of God’s grace; what a blessing so glorious, freely given, chosen to be holy and blameless…it is mind boggling! I know life is hard, I know things are tough, I know things can be discouraging even downright depressing (pardon my southern roots), but…take heart! We have a God who loves in ways so radical it is at times beyond comprehension; we have hope of better things to come; we have a Savior who paid all for each and every one of us.

So wherever you are in life…take heart! Focus on the cross; focus on our Savior; all by the riches of God’s grace. I will end with a single verse from John 16;

33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Good and gracious God, we thank you that through Christ we might experience peace, we thank You that by your grace…the riches of your grace we can take heart!

Grace and Peace!