Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Our whirlwind tour of the southeastern United States has come to an end and I got to tell you it is great to be back home in south Florida; warm temperatures, flip flops and shorts. Now don’t get me wrong, I love to go “home” for the holidays and see family, friends, share, love and visit. It is a great time, but there is something about getting back to your “home”; your bed, comfortable surroundings.

It brought to mind something we experienced before our travels. My wife and I were attending a Christmas party a good distance from our home and we asked to borrow our daughter’s GPS; a remarkable device for getting places. Anyway, we go to our party using no directions and only the GPS and the address. We arrive without a hitch and have a wonderful time at the celebration. After the party, we start home and notice on the GPS there is a home key. We select the home key and off we go. Now mind you we have no real idea where we are and we are following the directions of a computer voice; turn left in 300 feet. We notice we are not going back the same way we came which is possible due to one way streets and all, but we get a little concerned.

Suddenly my wife says; what if home means her house at college and we quickly selected the view route function on the GPS to ensure we were headed to our home. We were, but it did cause me to think about this word home. It could mean so much and so many things. I started thinking about sayings for home; home sweet home, there’s no place like home and finally home is where the heart is. Aren’t they all true, but I really connected with home is where the heart is. No matter what the conditions, no matter the place; home is where your heart is and what is in your heart.

It brought to mind John 15:4 (The Message);

4"Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can't bear fruit unless you are joined with me.

So no matter where we are or what we are doing with Christ in our hearts we are “HOME”. So as we head into the New Year; my hope is that we all make our home in Christ!

Grace and Peace!

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