Thursday, April 1, 2021

What’s Next?


Recently, I have been wrestling with a nagging question.  The simple question of what’s next keeps coming to mind and heart. I know it is a deep question that will take much time and prayer to come to terms with, but I do feel the tug to tackle an important part of the Bible that I have never really, I mean really studied - the Minor Prophets.  

And it just so happens (imagine that) that I recently got as a gift a commentary series on the Minor Prophets by James Boice (there’s your sign). In the preface, Boice points out that the Prophets highlight and emphasize and remind us of three things. 1) the sovereignty of God, 2) the holiness of God, and 3) the love of God. He continues by saying; “We need these emphases today. We need them as individuals...We need them as a nation...We need to learn - deeply - and in a way that changes us...”

Needless  to say I am very excited (and honestly a little nervous) for this tiny first step in my effort to see just what is next on my spiritual journey!

Grace and Peace!

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