Monday, March 1, 2021

We’re Gonna Make It


1 Peter 4:1-11

We're Gonna Make It

Song by Little Milton

We may not have a home to call our own

But were gonna make it, I know we will

We may have to fight hardships alone

But were gonna make it, I know we will

Cause togetherness brings peace of mind

We can't stay down all the time

I've got your love and you know you got mine

So were gonna make it, I know we will

Big Idea:

Because ‘Christ suffered in the flesh,’ because of the sacrifice Christ made for us, because sin no longer rules, we can live for the glory of God.  We can focus on the will of God, we can live for something greater than the passions of this world.  We will not be perfect on this journey, but because of the grace and mercy of God we can press on.  

And many times this will not be a stroll in the park, but a life of sacrifice, of struggle yet we are protected by the full armor of God.  And armed with that love and grace and mercy, armed with forgiveness, we can (again imperfectly) follow in the footsteps of Christ; always loving, being hospitable (generously welcoming),  and helping others.  

Loving others because he first loved us, being welcoming because of the warm embrace of God for all us prodigal sons and daughters, helping others because of the cost of our rescue, the helping hands of Christ. Doing these things in a world in dire need of love and hospitality and help…doing these things all to the glory of God.

Doing these things as Peter says; “in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

Grace and Peace!

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