Monday, February 8, 2021

Winning Without A Word


1 Peter 3:1-7

This is such a challenging passage especially in the context of our current culture/worldview…but maybe that is part of the point. Maybe because we are followers of Christ we are to be at times “other worldly.” Maybe we are to be a witness to the beauty of Christ.

Big Idea

And because Jesus submitted to the cross for each of us, because of his grace, mercy and love for each of us…as aliens and exiles in this world we should be different than this world in winsome ways.   Because we are called to “do good and suffer” as it is “ the sight of God,” because we have been called so that we “might follow in his (Christ’s) steps. (2:20-21), we should strive to have this voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility, and a willingness to carrying a burden, to treat those we love with respect and honor, to treat others with respect and honor.  And can we do this understanding that real beauty "comes from the heart.”  Can we do this with adoration for God, for Jesus and for the Spirit as our motivation. Can we do it all for the purpose of giving glory to God and pointing others to Christ, “that they might be won without a word.”

Perhaps it could be said that I sort of avoided the specifics of how a wife might submit even to an unbelieving husband, but couldn’t it be said that by having an attitude of deference, cooperating, assuming a responsibility you might not want with a willingness to carry a burden, just as Christ carried our burden, wives; and husbands for that matter, can submit.  And perhaps it could be said, I sort of avoided the specifics of how a husband should treat a wife, but couldn’t it be said that treating those we love (including wives) with respect and honor (the word means the same honor bestowed upon an emperor; to treat as precious) is how husbands and wives for that matter should treat their spouse, it is how we should treat everyone.  

Could it be that moving forward in this way brings honor and glory to God and is gracious in his sight?  May we all move forward in ways that honor God and display our love and gratitude to a world desperate for such examples.

Grace and Peace!

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