Monday, January 25, 2021

Honor the Emperor?


1 Peter 2:13-17

This passage is a great reminder, perhaps even a convicting reminder.  While at the same time it is somehow so comforting. A reminder that as sojourners and exiles in this world, where we may never fit in, we still are loved, cared for and guided by the ultimate King, Jesus.  And as such we need not fall into worry (or worse) if our worldly side is not in power.

Because Jesus submitted to death even death on a cross for each of us, because he made the ultimate submission for us, we can trust in our risen King.  And with that trust, with that freedom, we can respect and honor all people including those in office; those in power. We can begin to see beyond political party and submit to worldly governments knowing that it will be so much better farther on.  

We can begin to see that all are created in the image of our loving God and knowing the love God has for us maybe just maybe that will humble our hearts, maybe just maybe we might begin to do good, to be generous, to love others as Christ loves us.  

May we all as believers move forward in gentle and kinds ways, and may we spread good in a hungry, thirsty and needy world. May our actions and conduct proclaim the name of King Jesus to the world.

Grace and Peace!

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