Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Christian Camps

Well I know this will probably disappoint you, but this is not going to be about youth camps or retreats or campsites. I have been thinking a lot these days about the various camps within Christianity. 

Now there are certainly oh so many denominational camps, but it goes way beyond this: there are reformed camps, truly reformed camps, contemporary camps, traditional camps, and fundamental camps. There are Calvinist camps and Arminian camps. There are covenant camps and dispensational camps. There are progressive camps and conservative camps, there are grace camps, cheap grace camps, new law camps, sonship camps and charismatic camps and believe me I am sure I have left many others out... 

Maybe you get the picture. I was also thinking wouldn’t it be truly wonderful if we were all just part of the Christian camp. I once had a pastor who has since passed away; a good friend that I really miss and I heard him say in a sermon that he didn’t feel called to be a Presbyterian Minister, he felt called to be a Christian Minister. This stuck with me for years and while at the time I thought is was a fine sentiment, only now have I truly come to appreciate the beauty and meaning behind it. 

In the divisive days in which we live I think we have forgotten to search for the common ground that can unite us; or at least we are stuck in the belief that only our ground can be the common ground that can unite us. But can we for a moment open our hearts and minds and seek the true common ground, the only common ground that matters, the only common ground that can unite...the common ground of Christ.

With Christ as our focus; with Christ as our common ground, can we begin to see those around us with the eyes of love; to see with eyes and hearts of love for our brothers and sisters? Can we begin to see beyond the camps and see those around us with the eyes of Christ? Imagine the possibilities!

To borrow a phrase (Thanks Steve Brown) – “You think about that” 

Grace and Peace!

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