Friday, June 16, 2017

Prayer - God's Sufficiency

Father God,

In 2 Corinthians we read: Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God...

How wonderful, how awesome is your Word, what great news we have in the gospel that we can come not obsessed with self- sufficiency but we can come in your sufficiency. So we come with thankful hearts, we come amazed and praying that you would help each of us to truly hear this gospel message, the message of your amazing grace. And help us Father to hear it over and over and over again as we need it over and over and over again. 

Father we pray that through the gospel we will always have a safe place; a place for all to come and that we will never try to make it a performance place; we pray that the gospel comes shining through in all we do, where we understand we are saved, we are rescued, we are holy children of God not because of anything we have done, but because of all Christ has done! 

Father, while at times we will all struggle; that while we will all face trials, we pray that we can rest, that we can move forward, that we can be encouraged in the knowledge that the gospel is not a message of do more but a message of "it is finished!" 

Father, we pray that as we all come to terms with this, as we truly get it, as your truth fills our hearts; that we would overflow with awe, praise and joyful worship...we pray that as we come to know your love that we would grow in our love for You, our love for each other and our love for our neighbors. 

Abba Father we love you and pray these many things in the most beautiful name of Jesus Christ...

Amen and Amen!

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