Thursday, June 4, 2015

On The Mend In So Many Ways

Had a great visit with my Doctor today and I am now sling free and moving forward with Physical Therapy.  So happy and thankful.  Had a good break, read a bunch, prayed a bunch and started working/walking down two different is a study on the Book of Mark which our community group is using to dig deep.  Great group with great discussion and we pray to know and love Jesus better and better, see transformation, see sharing and as a result to love our neighbors more and more.

The second path is that I have started jotting down some thoughts about something I am going to call "Finding Joy in the Midst of Stuff."  I can't honestly tell you that I have been through this season with a happy, happy, happy attitude, but I have learned a great deal and I have been able to find joy.  Not sure where this will go, but excited to see. 

I found something recently and it just resonated with me.  It is from Tony Reinke's book on Newton:

"So God brings into our Christian lives repeated disappointments, trials and losses, not because he wants to grieve and weary us, but because these are necessary lessons teaching us to treasure Christ above ourselves...This is  God's way, you are not called to buy; but to beg; not to be strong in yourself, but in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."

Some of the things I learned (am learning) - to treasure Christ, to beg out of my weakness and to trust in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

Glad to be back...

Grace and Peace!

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