Saturday, November 29, 2014

Advent Thoughts

As we approach the first Sunday of Advent, I have been thinking a lot about just that...Advent. Advent is taken from the Latin word adventus and means “coming.” The Latin adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, which was used to refer to the Second Coming of Christ. 

To me this season, this Church tradition reminds us to celebrate all that Christ has done for each of us and also helps us to position our hearts expectantly and hopefully for Christ to return and make all things new. It is an amazing perspective and allows us to contemplate the new heaven and the new earth where all will be made right. 

George Whitefield wrote a sermon for Advent called Contemplating Christmas and in this sermon he said: 

“What, shall we not remember the birth of our Jesus...No, my dear brethren, let us celebrate and keep this festival of our church with joy in our hearts: let the birth of a Redeemer, which redeemed us from sin, this Savior’s love never be forgotten! But may we sing forth all his love and glory as long as life shall last here, and through an endless eternity in the world above! May we chant forth the wonders of redeeming love and the riches of free grace, amidst angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim, without intermission, forever and ever!” 

Father, this Advent season may we all look forward with thankful hearts, with love, with an expectant hope for all that has been done and all that will be done. Amen! 

Grace and Peace!

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